It seems that I've become kinda, sorta, quite into moons lately. Truthfully I've loved space for as long as I can remember, stargazing in front of my house with my Dad, asking hungrily which constellations were which, squinting skyward and always, always ending up dizzy. I still keep track of things happening in the sky, trying my best to catch eclipses and meteor activities, to stare up into the still darkness and smile at the beauty, the wildness, the sheer wacky awesomeness of it. Sometimes it's easy to forget! But truly we'd be foolish to allow that.
The moon is currently waning after a knockout "wolf moon" on the 15th of January (so bright!), but still, we can appreciate some selenic (ooh) goodness, no? Below, a few of my favorite moon-y items from around the web to aid in surrounding yourself with this most wondrous presence as we continue, as always, to rotate alongside it, synchronously. And now onto the STUFF, before I get too carried away...
ps // If you're with me on this, I'd recommend reading artist and all around rad lady Lauren Spencer King's blog,
The Sphinx and the Milky Way - not only does she offer little peaks into her amazing universe of inspirations (art, music, writings), but she also composes these really thoughtful Full Moon readings each month that are lovely to read and ponder. Her 2014 moon calendar is below!
Minimalist Moon Posts //
CorrellCorrell Velvet Circle T-shirt
Brook&Lyn Medallion Trio Necklace //
Kelly Lamb Moon Pendant
Moon Phase Poster Print //
Lotfi Moon Phases Clutch
Formasetti Theme and Variations Plate //
Lauren Spencer King 2014 Moon Calendar
The Adventures Of Phases of the Moon Print //
Small Spells Moon Phases Plate